Dear neighbours and internet users;
I welcome all of you from this new virtual window.
With this website we would like to become a platform on which it is sustained and becomes more widespread e-government, providing tools that allow citizens a better understanding of our council.
This site allows you do transactsand improves the management of municipal services through a wide range of informative possibilities about Valga.
We want to be a public web sever to introduce those aspects that stand out for their relevance concerning our history, facilities, training activities, cultural activities, festive activities, leisure activities and ultimately the municipal news deemed of interest.
This website is intended that besides being an open window, being a gateway to all your suggestions, so I invite you to share your ideas and projects, being an important communication vehicle, close, effective and transparent which aims to strengthen, expand and enhance the vision we all have our village to continue promoting Valga in the future.
Mr. José Mª Bello Maneiro ( Mayor of Valga)